How It Works

Job Seeker

  1. Login by choosing a username and password
  2. Start assessment, sort cards and answer questions about your interests and preferences
  3. Review the results - see your work preferences and suitable job matches
  4. Upload your resume and create an introductory video.
  5. Uncover jobs and apply online. Or be discovered by an employer looking for someone just like you.
  6. Start receiving a paycheck for doing what you like!


  1. Quickly identify the common tasks of the position. Or if unfamiliar with the job tasks, send out a short survey to current employees already in the role.
  2. Receive convenient sets of 25 candidate profiles whose interests and qualifications match the role
  3. Virtually meet candidates by viewing their Facticiti Qualified Profile. This reveals their interests, experience, education and a short video.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." —Einstein

We hope he would approve of how we applied this wisdom at Facticiti

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We demystify today's complex job market and find your place in it.

We are serious about our purpose to help 100 Million people wake up each morning excited to go to work. To achieve our purpose, we would like to become your "career partner" as you search for yours.

If needed, we will provide access to Facticiti certified career coaches, new job opportunities as they arise and insights to the next stage of your career.


Knowing your options and how to obtain and maintain your career is key to staying excited to go to work each day. As a member of Facticiti, you will receive notices on events, seminars, training and even a few career hacks.


It could be your perfect job is not hiring today. We won’t give up searching for jobs as our web crawler will post to your dashboard the same day it hits the web.


We did the work to match jobs but in a constantly evolving job market, things become outdated quickly. To help us help the next group of job seekers, we will periodically ask you to tell us which activities you do at your current job.

What do you get with Facticiti?

  • Assessment
  • Thinking and culture style
  • Advice
  • Interview questions
  • Real-time job matches
All this for free

Frequently Asked Questions
Not exactly, Facticiti measures what you like to do and often but not always people are good at what they enjoy doing.
Our technology crawls the web continuously and finds new opportunities as soon as they are posted. Visit your dashboard frequently for new opportunities.
No, job searching is a difficult task and our goal to provide you a way to focus your efforts and stream line your search.
We are the only holistic career services that identifies what you like to do and aligns it with actual opportunities. Other services either have the jobs listed or assessment tools. Free assessments generally lack validity in their results. Facticiti is the only complete offering with continuous services as you grow in your career.
Your career is our passion.
Let our platform drive potential jobs to you once you have completed the assessment. No more searching blindly for jobs, Facticiti does it for you.
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